As the Norwood community begins to reopen up for business, Athletic Republic Norwood is excited to be able to offer Mini Athletes back to our community! Of course, our priority is to make sure everyone is staying healthy at the same time. Following are the measures we are taking to be sure we are operating in a safe and responsible manner.
How will you comply with social distancing requirements?
We are further restricting our class sizes in the center to ensure mini athlete and coach safety, to no more than 4 mini-athletes per coach. At the same time, we ask that all our parents and mini-athletes be respectful of the personal space of everyone else in the center and keep an appropriate distance.
We are offering off-site birthday parties outdoors, where we can accommodate larger groups while still maintaining appropriate distancing. We will be complying with the requirement that these parties be limited to no more than 18 at a time.
Are there other options for classes?
You are always welcome to talk to us about private training classes and groups, where you and your family or friends would have the opportunity to participate without others present.
How are you keeping the center clean?
First off, we ask that upon entering the center, everyone wash their hands well or use hand sanitizer (parents and mini-athletes!). We wipe down frequently-touched surfaces in the reception area to ensure cleanliness as well. We have added time between classes to give coaches the opportunity to clean after each class to ensure that you are entering a safe environment when you come in to play. At the end of each day, we clean thoroughly, and clean the turf in between each class!
Are you screening mini-athletes as they come in the door?
When athletes enter the center, we check participants’ temperature, have them clean their hands, and guide them to a designated spot on the turf while we wait for everyone to get there. That way people aren’t congrating by the front door.
Of course, it goes without saying that if you are symptomatic in any way, please stay home. Additionally, we would request that you stay home if anyone in your household is symptomatic or you’ve had close contact with someone who has recently tested positive or has traveled out of state. We’re not out of the woods yet, and
What about masks – are you requiring them?
Cloth face coverings can add a layer of protection, given that COVID-19 can be transmitted by people who are not showing any symptoms and don’t know they are infected. Our staff will always wear masks when leading a workout, and we require that our athletes do until the state of Massachusetts deems otherwise.
Is there anything else I should know?
It would also be helpful for you to take care of any transactions (payments, enrollments, etc.) online or over the phone prior to entering the center, to eliminate time spent standing at the front desk.
While things have improved locally, we’re not out of the woods yet, and the situation may change in the future. Please follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest news. Thank you for your support of Mini-Athletes and Athletic Republic Norwood!